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Blessing of Cocopah Drop Zone for SKYDIVE Yuma

News Releases

SKYDIVE YUMA is the only commercial Sky Diving center in Southwest Arizona. The company’s headquarters are at the Somerton Airport and its drop zone is located on the Cocopah East Reservation.

Saturday, February 8th at 10am, during SKYDIVE YUMA’s unveiling Cocopah Tribal Councilman, Neil White will perform a blessing ritual of the aircraft and drop zone.

            As the ceremony ends Cocopah Tribal Administrator, Christopher Nuñez will skydive to the drop zone. CSM Nunez (RET) is a former Army Ranger.  The jumpmaster, Mike Marthaller, is retired Army and Air Force and Kurt Douge, the owner of SKYDIVE YUMA is a current Air Force survival instructor stationed in Republic of Korea.

            We invite the community and media to take part in this momentous day. If you plan to attend, please call ahead to get directions to the drop zone.